Taking food from a squirrel
How to dig up bulbs for Winter storage
Depending on your zone, most tender bulbs such as Cannas, Dahlias, Gladioli, and others will need to be dug up and stored for the winter.
Dig them up very carefully and shake off most of the excess soil.
Store in a cool, Not cold, dry location.
Many gardeners wrap their bulbs in newspaper and layer them in boxes.
Be sure and label your bulbs before putting them to bed so you will know which bulbs are which in the Spring...
When deciding where to store your bulbs consider this...
Do not let the bulbs freeze and don't let the boxes get wet over winter.
One more tip, make sure you store them where wild critters can't get to them,
there is no sense in letting your sleeping babies become a Winter feast for the squirrels
Evil Missy in the garden
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Gardening tips
Depending on your zone, most tender bulbs such as Cannas, Dahlias, Gladioli, and others will need to be dug up and stored for the winter.
Dig them up very carefully and shake off most of the excess soil.
Store in a cool, Not cold, dry location.
Many gardeners wrap their bulbs in newspaper and layer them in boxes.
Be sure and label your bulbs before putting them to bed so you will know which bulbs are which in the Spring...
When deciding where to store your bulbs consider this...
Do not let the bulbs freeze and don't let the boxes get wet over winter.
One more tip, make sure you store them where wild critters can't get to them,
there is no sense in letting your sleeping babies become a Winter feast for the squirrels
Gardening tips