Saturday, July 15, 2006

How to drown a tree - the dangers of overwatering

How to drown a tree-
the dangers of overwatering

Eventhough many trees do not grow well because of a lack of adequate watering, you must be careful to NOT overwater your tree.

Too much water can choke the roots and can be as harmful as too little water.

Proper Watering is vital to good tree health.
During the first two growing seasons, newly planted trees should be watered every week to ten days, unless there is sufficient rainfall.

One of the most common mistakes of new tree owners is overwatering !
Too much water can kill a tree - too much moisture eliminates the air from the soil.
The soil should not stay saturated but must have adequate time to dry out between waterings.

Watering tips:
~Don't assume you are watering a tree when you are watering your lawn.
~Do not water in the heat of the day, early morning is the best time to water.
~The best way to water your tree is for you to give your tree a good slow soaking over several hours.
~Water deeply and slowly.
This be done easily with an rootsoaker, oscillating sprinkler or a soaker hose.

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Friday, July 14, 2006

Do Asian Beetles carry rabies ? They B i t e !

Do Asian Beetles carry rabies ?
they bite !!!

Pests or Pretenders

Those wonderful, I mean pesky critters are Asian Beetles aka Lady Bug Beetles.
Many homeowners have been pestered by what many believe are Lady bugs. The culprits are not Lady Bugs they are Asian beetles.

Cute helpful little Lady Bugs.
They are getting a bad rap !
Do you know the difference ?

Asian Lady Bugs have become a homeowners worst nightmare.
(yes, I am smilin' just a little)
They are all over the United States and Canada and several times a year they swarm and reek havock for home owners -
home renters too

'Asian lady beetles appear to have few natural enemies.'
don't you wish you could say that???

If you have ever squashed one of them, you know they
have a foul smelling yellowish fluid that splatters everywhere.


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Thursday, July 13, 2006

zin-e-uh, zinn-ees, zinn-yahs,pea-oh-knees,pea-uh-knees,pea-own-yas


How do you pronounce zinnia?
Go ahead- say it out loud.
No one is listening :)

How about peonias?
so far we have zinnias, peonias-

how about marigolds?

I said zinn-yahs, pea-own-yas and mare-uh-golds.

I find it very interesting that every day, run of the mill plants and shrubs are called m a n y different things. It all depends on where you grew up. For example, I did not realize until recently that forsythias were not called forsynthia's. I have pronounced it for-sin-thee-uhs my whole life. There is no N in there!!!! I did not know that. You know I will list more as I think of them...

-insert hmmmm smile here-

I'm done for now, carry on...

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hornets are small but highly efficient killing machines

Hornets are small but
highly efficient killing machines...

Stirring Up A Hornet's Nest Is Asking For Trouble

I found this information about hornets interesting. Hornets are described as a small but highly efficient killing machines, only two inches long and with a wingspan up to three inches and they lurk in the mountains of Japan. This tiny predator has a 1/4 inch stinger that pumps out a dose of venom that has an enzyme so strong, it can dissolve human tissue!
dissolve human tissue !!!!!
WOAH, my kind of critter,
totally e v i l


One of the weather folk lores popular in this part of the country :
If you find a Hornets nest built in the top of the trees -you will have a mild winter.
old timers also believe that an empty hornets' nest hung high, brings you good luck.

Often we read of those who have stirred up a hornet's nest.
Their personality :) or some action they took, was like poking or whacking a hornet's nest. Recently in a few political situations, those in charge of our government have
been accused of 'rattling the hornet's nest' or having 'stepped into a hornet's nest'.

Do you know someone who just loves to whack at a hornests nest?
know what I say?

Whack away !!!!!!!

-insert evil laff here-

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My Roses are adddicted to caffeine!

My Roses are adddicted to caffeine!

Double cappucino half calf decaf, no foam, extra whipped creme.
Naw. Not even close...

Did you know that you can use cold coffee grounds in your garden.

Many rose gardeners, myself included, use cold coffee grounds around their roses. The grounds add nitrogen to the soil. Coffee grounds can be used simply to improve the garden soil by adding organic matter. If you don't have any plants to caffeinate, you can place the filters and coffee grounds in your compost pile. Go ahead and toss in your used tea bags too. The filters and bags will decompose pretty quickly so no need to worry. Sprinkled in your garden, the grounds act as a mild, slow release fertilizer - similar to fallen leaves decomposing.

Be sure and spread the coffee grounds thinly. You don't want big old clumps of wet grounds around your garden, they can get moldy. The grounds are even more effective and better for your plants when composted first. There are several plants for example: roses, azaleas, hydrangeas, rhododendrons and any other acid loving plants would enjoy a cup of coffee, I mean, would benefit from this simple, free organic fertilizer.

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Monday, July 10, 2006

Whaddayamean-ya-doan-know your state Tree ?

Whaddayamean-ya-doan-know your state Tree ?


Follow the link 'STATE TREES' on the right of this page and look it up...

Information is power and Evil Missy loves POWER !!!

Just Look up your State's ding dang tree...

~oh yeah, I almost forgot~

One last time I am
Reposting the posted disclaimer post about Evil Missy in the garden.

EVIL Missy's
Evil D I S C L A I M E R

This blog is a seriously un-serious look at gardening, all type of gardens, patio gardens, your yard, your neighbor's yard, plants, trees, bushes, flowers.
-You get the idea-
I will be sharing information on just about anything related to gardens, gardening or just being evil, I mean, outdoors.

My Evil attitude is simply intended to make you laugh and or chuckle.
I always post at one minute before the bewitching, evil hour...
Of course a good guffaw from time to time would be nice.
If you snort when you laff that's even better.

afterall I Love Gardening

I am not truly evil nor named missy............

-insert evil laff with a small snicker snort here-

Seed Catalog

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Sunday, July 09, 2006

i just love big boys..................

i just love big boys..................Tomatoes, of course.

-insert evil laff here-


Even if you have a small space, you can still have a garden area.
Container gardening is a wonderful alternative. The only drawback is -you MUST make sure you water frequently. Since there is no root system spreading out under the soil to take in moisture, you must make sure your plant has enough to drink in the heat of the summer.

Did you know, You can grow tomatoes in pots ?
Big Boy tomatoes are my all time favorite tomatoes.
Take a 5 gallon pot, with drainage holes, make sure you have excellent soil mix prepared. Do not just go out and dig up some regular ground dirt. That won't work. Your plants are only as healthy as the soil they are growing in- All you do is place your favorite tomato plant in the soil in the pot, keep it watered and well fertilized. Then all you have to do is-
Watch those tomatoes grow !

When I did this for my mom, I placed a cage over the plant so she didn't have to bend down to harvest her tomatoes. She had fresh grown tomatoes allllllllll summer long !
It worked so well, the next year I had one pot for red maters and one for yellow ones.

From time to time, I will be posting more ideas for you who have small garden areas.
Why should the people with yards be the only ones to throw their backs out, I mean, be able to enjoy A bountiful Harvest of home grown veggies and flowers.

Here are 2 articles with information on small garden spaces :

Container Gardening

Patio Garden Ideas

I love gardening

even in pots and containers...

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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Redbuds aren't RED that's false advertising.

Redbuds aren't RED that's false advertising.
BUT---they are absolutely gorgeous !!!

The Lavendar Twist Redbud
One of My favorite trees:

IMO, Anything with the words twist or twisted in the name will end up on my favorite or list of have-to-haves for my place. I also like it because it is called a redbud but is NOT red.

I love gardening.

Red bud 'Lavender Twist'
also known as Covey Redbud

This red bud blooms in early May. It is one of my All time favorite redbuds because of its very unusual characteristics. It is a twisting, weeping dwarf tree that only grows to between 5 to 7 feet tall. The Covey grows vigorously and is absolutely beautiful when in bloom. The blooms are a soft lavender pink, it's leaves are large, dark green and layer the twisted canopy. This unique tree is hardy and the branches eventually zigzag through-out the entire body of the tree. IMO, This tree is a beautiful specimen even when in winter.

Google it to see a pic -

WHAT !!!!
Why don't I have a picture posted here for you ???
You want me to do everything ???
Google the ding dang tree..............

-insert evil laff here-


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Friday, July 07, 2006

Kudzu the vine that ate the south.

the vine that ate the south.

'Pueraria lobata, Fabaceae'

I love INVASIVE Plants.
Ajuga is ONE of my all time fav-Not only is it totally uggo it spreads faster than warm butter on a hot roll...

My 'all time' - all time fav-or-ite invasive plant to talk about is kudzu. It is very hard to eradicate and has been called
a nuisance plant
sniff, sniff
kinda harsh if you ask me.

I truly enjoy seeing sweet little pansys being choked out
by kudzu. I am thinking of harvesting and propagating as much as I can...
I think it is just beautiful, don't you?


-insert evil laff here-

did I mention that Kudzu is
also known as 'the vine that ate the south' ?
...that makes me laff...

'Pueraria lobata, Fabaceae'

Kudzu, originally imported in the late 1800s, is a woody vine whose extremely rapid and aggressive growth has made it a highly successful and widely disliked invasive species throughout much of the southern United States. A kudzu vine can grow as much sixty feet in one season and can starve even fully mature trees of light, water, and life sustaining nutrients.

Kudzu literally chokes the life out of other living woody plants and trees. Right now in the United States, kudzu covers more than 3 million acres across 21 southern states. Researchers state it blankets an area "nearly the size of Connecticut" =0)
Down our road Kudzu vines are growing up and over anything and everything in its path. It has taken over many trees, bushes, garden areas, barns, out buildings and telephone wires.
Kudzu is the focus of many current eradication efforts. And to think it was FIRST imported for shade and to help with water erosion in cotton fields. If you haven't seen kudzu growing naturally it is a must-see. Before you purchase any plants or introduce any new species in your area, check and make sure it is not an invasive species.

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Thursday, July 06, 2006


Friend or Foe ??

Don't follow the link on the right re: Japanese beetles.

I enjoy seeing Japanese beetles feed on gorgeous lucious rose buds,
especially the creamy Yellow ones....

I do so enjoy pests.


The best way to rid your yard of these critters is to tell your neighbor that you heard
- japanese beetle bait is the best way to be rid of them.
That way-
all of your beetles will leave your yard and go over to your neighbors yard to eat...
problem solved for you !


-insert evil laff here-

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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

toilet bowl planter ideas

toilet bowl planter ideas


My latest garden project:

Someone threw out a perfectly good - well,
cracked toilet tank, complete with top and seat.

I decided to recycle it and use it for a centerpeice in my front yard.
You may be asking:
What am I going to plant in this toilet bowl / planter ?

Sweet Peas silly...
what else.

-insert evil laff here-

Please RECYCLE as much as you can-
take a moment to
T H I N K -
Before you throw it away,
see if you can give it away first.
We only have so much space in our dumps and waste areas.
Evil missy thanks you
our wild critters thank you
and your greatgrandchildren will thank you.
Please take a moment and Check out any recycling or trading / bartering projects in your area.

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Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I only grow catmint to torment my dog-

I only grow catmint to torment my dog-

Catmint Catnip Information

Catmint Catnip Information:
Invasive Herb or the purrfect plant

Catmint / Catnip
'Nepeta cataria'

This aromatic plant from the mint family, can be used as a domestic herb to treat miscellaneous ailments and problems such as hemorrhoids, dandruff and to relax spasms. Many grow the plant and harvest the leaves to make a medicinal tea. The fragrant aroma is VERY attractive to cats. As a matter of fact, most small cat toys sold in stores contain catnip, check the package.

Catnip or Catmint is invasive so.....If you do not want it to take over your garden area. Be sure and plant your catnip in a pot or planter.

There are many varieties of Catnip, many are flowering garden plants or grown as pot-herbs, some are pests.

I like pests.


-insert evil laff here-

read more and make a Cat Garden

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Monday, July 03, 2006

Welcome to Evil Missy's Garden Blog

Evil Missy's Garden Blog

I am Evil Missy and I like gardening. Check out my links at the right and be sure to bookmark me so you can come back and visit when i find time to write more!!
This blog is full of...


This blog is a seriously un-serious look at gardening, all type of gardens, patio gardens, your yard, your neighbor's yard, plants, trees, bushes, flowers.
-You get the idea-
I will be sharing information on just about anything related to gardens, gardening or just being evil, I mean, outdoors.


-insert evil laff here-

Happy Gardening!!

e v i l disclaimer:
The Evil attitude contained in this blog is simply intended to make you laugh and or chuckle.

Of course a good guffaw from time to time would be nice.
If you snort when you laff that's even better.

Evil Missy, I mean,

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